Lilla Baci Weekly Menu

                                                                    Lilla Baci- Weekly Menu

Above is a link to the official weekly menu for Lilla Baci!! I am beyond excited about this next step in spreading the word on organic vegan cuisine and lifestyle! For the first time I am putting all of my energy and time into growing a beautiful vegan business. Vegan food is such an adventure. For many who were not raised in a vegan or vegetarian household it is a whole new exploration in the kitchen. It also forces you to make a connection with your plate. You start becoming interested in where your produce comes from, new ingredients bring you to different locations and connect you with fabulous local organic farmers that you begin to establish relationships with. The vegan community I am becoming part of has become family. Like minds and like hearts striving for a similar purpose; to give every creature on this earth a fair chance at a wonderful life. I would love for you all to take a minute and read through the menu! It will be changing weekly based on the produce available through my farmers and the seasons. I would love to hear all of your thoughts! I thank you for sharing this with me and I look forward to getting to know so many of you on a more personal level! Blessings and love to all! xoxo


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